
Posts Tagged ‘obama’

Cornel West speaks out on Martin Luther King day

In Polytricks on January 24, 2013 at 8:26 am

Cornel West objected to Barak Obama taking his oath of office on Martin Luther King’s bible.  He accused Barak Obama of sanitizing the history of racism in the US.  He attacked the failed War on Drugs and questioned why there were no Wall St. banksters in jail.  He also attacked the Drone War and called it a war crime similar to the bombing of Vietnam.

Were his objections over the top?  Is Martin Luther King’s legacy one of collective progress for the US or is that a convenient white liberal fiction?  Martin Luther King appears to be more radical politically for black Americans  than white.  Have white liberals forgotten that Martin Luther King connected militarism, capitalism and racism?

Chris Rock endorses Obama

In Humour on November 17, 2012 at 6:00 am

I dunno how I missed this one. Too funny.

Okay … you can tell I just can’t get my head around the weighty issues of the day this morning.. Here is a video of a camel getting tickled .. (I’m guessing the sound its making are camel-giggles)… ;o)

Netanyahu piqued that Obama won?

In Polytricks on November 16, 2012 at 4:43 pm

I just can’t shake off the feeling that Netanyahu’s attack on Gaza has a lot to do with Obama winning a second term as president.  Its an open secret that they both can’t stand each other, (in fact nobody seems to get along with ‘Bibi’ unless you are a Harpercrite in Ottawa).  I know that Netanyahu has to somehow win the election of early next year.  Ironically the last butchery in Gaza happened just after an American election and just before an Israeli election.

The timing of these attacks on Gaza are pretty suspect.  Its hard not to be totally cynical given the history of violence and deceit that Israel has used to bully, threaten and bomb, to get its own way in the region.  Now it looks like they are looking to smack Obama around to get their way.  When Obama was first elected the venom and racism was not hard to find in downtown Jerusalem.

I guess you can’t expect that much from young louts who have been raised in a racist apartheid regime.  The Israeli attitude of self-righteous exceptionalism would be laughable except for the fact that they are heavily armed bullies and are used to getting their way.   And why shouldn’t they?  Their belligerent, ignorant, self-righteous violence has been an effective strategy up to now.

But the Arab world isn’t the same after the Arab Spring.  Turns out Arab youth are thirsting for democracy and opportunity, not jihad.  The endless demonizing the Arab world is starting to sound pretty bogus as Israel yet again pounds the helpless open-air prison that is Gaza into the dust.  Just to win an election Bibi?.. Really?

I think it would be good to remember how this particular round of slaughter in Gaza actally started.  It started when Israel murdered Hamas leader Ahmed Jaabari.  THEN the rockets started flying.  Before this Hamas and Israel were in cease fire talks.. somehow these basic facts are overwhelmed by the corporate media’s braying the Israeli government line about the right to protect themselves, total, hypocritical bullshit if you follow the timeline.

Drone take-over

In Polytricks on August 3, 2012 at 10:41 am

I despise and detest Drones. Their use is cowardly, vicious, arbitrary and illegal in any law system on this planet. Still the USG has been into a decades-long practice of extra-judicial slaughter with killing fields in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Somalia and Pakistan. Soon coming to Syria? and Iran?

Under the Obama administration this slaughter has increased dramatically. Its estimated that 3,000 civilians have been slaughtered this way since 2001, (as many as killed in WTC).Its a huge issue in Pakistan, a country which  is an ‘ally’ of the USA in the GWoT (global war on terror)(sic).

Can you imagine if the US sent drones over the Canadian border to kill wedding parties of Canadian ‘terror-suspects’? (and then of course the follow up aerial bombardment of the funeral party to ‘mop-up’ on the suspects that they missed the last time).. its revolting.. I’m not going to stop being outraged until these evil, mindless weapons are banned for good!

Here is the link to drone proliferation..

Here is the link showing a deliberate policy of targeting weddings and the subsequent funerals ..

Eyeless baby-eating monster